As a site generator, hugo also support i18n.

Universal means multilingual, for now, we can just add different text display under differene language.

Here is what I do(in config.toml)


Set default language and set defaultContentLanguageInSubdir to true

languageCode = "en-us"
defaultContentLanguage = "zh-cn"
defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = true

Add different file path under different language:

    title = "Blog"
    contentDir = "content/en-us"
    contentDir = "content/zh-cn"

And here is the new command to create new post.

hugo new --kind post en-us/post/
hugo new --kind post zh-cn/post/

The file tree looks like this:

|   +---en-us
|   |   \---post
|   | 
|   |          
|   \---zh-cn
|       \---post

Hugo template

We can display different content under different language. For example, the reward shortcodes:

Use .Site.Language.Lang to get current page’s language.

{{ if (eq .Site.Language.Lang "zh-cn") }}
  <div class="text-center" id="reward">
    // ...
{{ else }}
  <p class="text-center">{{ "πŸ‘‡" | emojify }} Please leave your comment if you like this.{{ "πŸ‘‡" | emojify }}</p>
{{ end }}

πŸ‘‡ Please leave your comment if you like this.πŸ‘‡